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Herbal Extract Manufacturer & Exporter in India | Arjuna Natural, Botanical

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Author name: connect arjuna

CEO talks at CII

CEO talks at CII

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Kerala organized the 2nd Edition of Spice Conference a Two-Day Conference with the theme “Value Creation in Spices – Global Market” scheduled on 27- 28 September 2022 at Hotel Le Meridien, Kochi. CEO Anup Krishnnan shared his valuable insights on Value Creation in Species: Focus on Turmeric on the first day of the conference. He was accompanied by COO Antony Kunjachan and CSCO Jomy Jose.

ABHIMAN – A Special Aid for Education

ABHIMAN – A Special Aid for Education

ABHIMAN” a programme conducted at Vidyadhiraja School, Aluva to felicitate the students who have scored 200 Marks out of 200 for chemistry in the last Plus 2 exam in Ernakulam District. 58 students received the Award from CEO Anup Krishnnan inaugurated the function and shared valuable speech for the students.

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day was a drive at CBE Division to spread awareness about the potential threat about tobacco usage. There were awareness classes, live sessions, and activities to make it all the lively and memorable

FIEO’s Southern Region Excellence Award

FIEO’s Southern Region Excellence Award

Top Performing Exporter in Kerala Coimbatore Plant Head Mr.Binil George receives FIEO Southern Region Export Excellence Award – Top Performing Exporter in Kerala – Silver Position for the company from Tamil Nadu Minister for MSME Sri. Anbarasan at Chennai on May 11th 2022.

Leaping to a New Future

Leaping to a New Future

I am writing to you today , with the pride and humility to have had the privilege of serving you for over  three decades. Over these years, it has been your support , feedback and appreciation of our efforts that have helped us to innovate and bring winning products that have helped enrich the lives of your customers .  Arjuna Natural has come a long way from its initial beginnings in a rented factory to the innovation leader it is now,  with the firm belief of being able to leverage innovation to provide solutions to a demanding world, The last thirty years have seen a sea of change of innovation, science and outlook at a pace never before seen in human history. While we have remained steadfast in our core values, which have always guided us, we have evolved with the times with our eyes firmly fixed on our vision of bettering lives across the globe through innovative natural solutions.  Time has come for a quantum leap to be made to realize our vision. In line with these changing times and reflecting our vision, while holding on to the rich legacy ,we felt there is a need to reflect these changes to our brand as well . We are pleased to adopt the yellow inspired by turmeric, representing knowledge in an Indian context of symbolism while also paying homage to the legacy of the spice that we are most associated with  as our signature color . This color on its own represents the potency of our solutions , while the legacy of Arjuna Natural’s BCM-95®(Curcugreen®) associated so strongly with the color represents the innovation and the balance that have been the hallmark of Arjuna Natural.  The refreshed logo , inspired by our past , is five tipped, each tip representing the values of focus , passion, trust , agility and integrity that have always guided us. A contemporary representation of a drop through a leaf, it represents the drop of potent life that is the gift of nature as well as the processes that enable us to deliver the potent elixirs of health from nature. In line with Arjuna’s practice of sustainability, we would be implementing these visual changes in all our touch points with you in phases. Together , let us innovate to better lives across the globe.  PJ Kunjachan

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