Turmeric Extract
Our 100% pure and natural patented extract is the world’s most researched curcumin!
BCM-95® - Curcumin
(Turmeric extract)

BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is our 100% pure turmeric extract that boasts enhanced bio-efficacy. It is manufactured by combining curcumin with turmeric essential oil specially enriched to 45% Ar-turmerone (another active turmeric extract). It has been researched in many human clinical studies and other models for its powerful inflammatory response, anti-oxidant properties, mood and cognitive support abilities among many other health benefits. BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®)’s composition makes it the world’s most natural turmeric extract, with free curcumin scientifically proven to be retained in the bloodstream even after 8 hours. The ‘95’ in its name represents the patenteda composition of this potent 95% standardized curcumin-essential oil complex (CEC). BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is the extract that has received FDA GRAS recognition.
Formulations Worldwide
Scientific Publication
Granted Patents
Safe and Pure
BCM95® (CURCUGREEN®) is 100% turmeric, proven to be safe and pure

BCM95® (CURCUGREEN®) is 100% turmeric and contains only turmeric extracts with no other bio-enhancers, synthetic or natural. This patented technology utilizing the therapeutic value of 45% AR-Turmerone, ensures that it is as safe as turmeric and has been in use for thousands of years across the world.
- GRAS Recognised
- 100% Pure & Natural
- Non-GMO
- Non-toxic additives
- No harmful solvents
- GMP compliant
- Prop 65 compliant
- Product traceability
- Non-irradiated
Proven Health Benefits
Scientifically proven in Scientific Publication
Joint Health
Cognitive Health
Liver Health
Urinary Health
Breast Health
Mood & Stress Support

Inflammatory Response
The various forms of BCM-95®

For easy encapsulation

DC Granules
Directly compressible
(DC) granules for tableting

Fine Powder
For soft-gel

Water Dispersible
For taste & odour-masked
ready-to-mix formulations

Oil Miscible
For tinctures & suspensions
in MCT oil, hemp oil, etc.

For self-mixing, water-
based solutions.
The recommended dose of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) for a healthy adult is 250 - 500 mg taken twice daily.
The Remarkable Nature Of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®)
A turmeric extract trusted by experts across the globe
The Evidence Of Benefits
The numerous health advantages of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) have been proven by extensive Scientific research.
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The Mechanism of Action
The mechanism of action of this product has been studied extensively by our experts and is based on scientific breakthroughs.
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The Uniqueness Of Composition
This extract has been crafted using advanced clinical formulas and technology that enhance its natural health benefits.
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Strict Regulations For Guaranteed Safety

Frequently Asked Questions
Turmeric extract is standardized to 95% curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bis-demethoxycurcumin.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is standardized to 95% curcuminoid complex containing curcuminoids and turmeric essential oil enriched to 45% ar-turmerone which is a natural active component of the turmeric rhizome with known health benefits. This also means that BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is 100% pure turmeric.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) has over 300 formulations in more than 60 countries. And has been widely used for over 18 years.
BCM-95® and Biocurcumin® are trademarks exclusively licensed to Arjuna Natural Pvt Ltd. Curcugreen® is a registered trademark of Arjuna Natural Pvt. Ltd. All three names refer to the same product.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is manufactured in Arjuna Natural Pvt Limited’s own factories located in India. Arjuna Natural Pvt Ltd is both the patent holder and the manufacturer. What’s more, we care about the product even before it reaches our factory. It’s why we forge relationships with farmers, farming communities and agricultural research organizations to ensure that there is end-to-end quality control.
It is common to combine the action of many ingredients for maximum benefit. BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) has been used in over 300 formulations, many of which are combinations and for over 18 years it has been highly effective and sought after. That’s because other products are not always 100% turmeric and feature other bio-absorbability enhancers which may affect the impact of co-ingredients or even other drugs. However, BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is 100% turmeric and the bio enhancer used is a 45% concentrated turmeric essential oil which is known to act only on curcumin making it safe for using in combination.
Relative bio-absorbability refers to the proportion of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation upon extravascular administration as compared to a standard dose of the drug administered via the same route.
Relative bio-absorbability implies drug availability obtained without data from intravenous administration. For example, availability comparisons of a drug between two different oral formulations without intravenous data can be thought of as the relative bio-absorbability of the two different formulations.
For measuring presence, the quantity of free curcumin available in the blood plasma after oral ingestion of BCM-95® (Curcugreen®) is compared to the similar value obtained when regular Curcumin 95% is ingested. It is the free curcumin in the blood plasma that gives the health benefits of turmeric.
Free curcumin is freely available in the blood plasma after ingestion of curcumin.
Curcumin metabolites, as the name implies are products of metabolism of curcumin in the body. They do not have known health benefits and are inactive for health purposes.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is safer than other alternative branded curcumins in the market due to many reasons some of which are:
• Uses bio enhancers that are specially concentrated turmeric essential oils which have no other side effects, unlike other branded curcumins which have non-turmeric bio enhancers that may have drug interactions
• GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) Recognised
• Uses safe extraction means and is checked in the most sensitive instruments for any contaminants
• Lead and other heavy metal safe
• Safety track record of over 18 years with more than 300 formulations in over 60 countries
• The only curcumin for which a detailed toxicity study has been published ( Systematic and comprehensive investigation of the toxicity of curcuminoid-essential oil complex: A bio-absorbable turmeric formulation, MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 13: 592-604, 2016)
Curcumin is made rich in BCM-95®( Curcugreen®) by a patented proprietary process through which high-purity curcumin is synergistically blended with turmeric essential oil which is specifically concentrated to 45% ar-turmerone, an active ingredient of natural turmeric. This produces a 100% turmeric product that is both highly bioactive and safe as it contains no non-turmeric constituents. The ar-turmerone has a synergistic action with curcumin and is known to increase the presence of only curcumin and not of any other compounds, thereby minimizing the risk of unintended interactions.
Since the method of bio-absorbability increase in BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) acts only on curcumin and is 100% natural, there are no other known risks or interactions.
The other popular methods of aiding bio-absorbability rely on non-turmeric additives like those used in drug delivery. Unlike the safe method in BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®), this can pose long-term health risks or risks of interference in drug delivery by increasing or decreasing delivered drug quantity. BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) has been extensively studied scientifically to be safe and the results published.
A comprehensive study was undertaken (Systematic and comprehensive investigation of the toxicity of curcuminoid-essential oil complex: A rich turmeric formulation, MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 13: 592-604, 2016) to evaluate the safety of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) and the results published. The detailed toxicity and safety of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) was done using in vivo and in vitro models as per OECD guidelines. Acute toxicity study was performed in rats as well as mice.
In this study, no toxic signs and symptoms/mortality were observed in any of the animals at the maximum recommended dose level of 5000 mg/kg b.wt. The repeated administration of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) for 90 days in Wistar rats at the dose level of 1000 mg/kg body weight did not induce any observable toxic effects, when compared to its corresponding control animals. Mutagenicity (nontoxicity) studies were also performed by Ames test (Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay), Mammalian Bone Marrow Chromosome Aberration test and Mammalian Erythrocyte Micronucleus Test in mice. BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) was found to be non-mutagenic in all the three mutagenicity studies.
The present study clearly indicates that BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) does not have any toxic effects in animals as well as in vitro. Based upon these observations, it is concluded that the BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is non-toxic and safe as evidenced by acute toxicity studies, repeated dose toxicity study and mutagenicity studies.
The definition of bio-absorbability is well known. The objective of understanding bio-absorbability is to understand what the real-world benefit of each quantity ingested is to the consumer.
Curcuminoids undergo complex transformations in the body once ingested. The positive health benefits are limited to the free curcumin available in the blood plasma ONLY. However, this forms only a part of the total curcuminoids. . Most parts of the curcuminoids convert into curcumin metabolites which undergo further changes in the body and are eliminated. These do not provide any health benefits.
However, working back with an objective to hit a higher ‘numerical value’, it has been practiced to measure total curcuminoids by measuring the inactive curcumin metabolites as well. This serves two purposes, both of which are not favorable to the consumer:
1. It indicates a higher bio activity and the consumer wrongly infers a higher benefit, when this is clearly not the case.
2. The effective dosage is reduced, decreasing any benefit further, while the consumer pays more per effective curcumin.
Needless to say, this is very deceptive.
In contrast BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) only measures the true free curcumin and ONLY in the extracted blood plasma which gives a very reliable measure of the health benefits.
The bio-absorbability mechanism of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) has been researched and well understood. The results obtained are in line with scientific theories regarding the same.
On oral intake of curcumin, the P glycoprotein in intestinal cells pushes out curcumin back into the gut lumen which is a major rate-limiting step in the absorption of curcumin. BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is a synergistic blend of curcumin and essential oil of turmeric enriched with turmerones. The turmerones in BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) inhibit P glycoprotein, thereby increasing the absorption of curcumin in the body. Moreover, this mechanism causes repeated absorption cycles which are also evidenced by the presence of free curcumin in the blood plasma even after 8-9 hours of ingestion.
The constitution of BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) with turmerones is protected by 53 international patents and is unique to BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®). Hence, the effect and efficacy of this process are also unique to BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®).
A curcumin has two parts: the curcumin (turmeric extract) and the bio-enhancer. An older approach was to provide a simplistic bio enhancer along with a branded regular curcumin -95%. This approach has many drawbacks. It is left to the final producer to blend the two before making supplements. Also, the correct ratio cannot always be guaranteed in each dose.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) was the first to bring a preformulated product to the market. By synergistically combining curcumin-95% and 45% ar-turmerone enriched turmeric essential oil in a controlled professional environment, BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) delivers a consistent product ; both in terms of quality and ratios each and every time. This translates into predictable and assured benefits as well as less effort on the part of the supplement manufacturer.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) produced is tested at our in-house lab for heavy metals including lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury as per a testing plan. We use the latest and most accurate lab equipment called ‘ICP-MS’ which can detect even minute quantities of substances instead of the less accurate conventional Atomic Absorption.
It is checked that BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) produced has Lead content within regulatory limits.
Yes, BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is non-GMO.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is the most researched curcumin in the world with more than 64 studies conducted worldwide (geographically diverse) and published in reputed journals. Please see the website for a full list published studies. There are also more studies in various stages of progress or publication.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) is the world’s most researched curcumin. There are 78 published papers as of June 2021. These are independent research papers in high-impact publications across product categories and combinations across countries.
BCM-95® (CURCUGREEN®) has been very versatile and is the world’s first formulated curcumin.This brings in a high degree of uniformity in the product and its action, making it a natural choice for research. It is true that there have been claims of higher numbers from other quarters, but these count studies where bio enhancers were not a part and therefore, these would be studies of a branded curcumin 95% and not a curcumin
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